Greta Thunberg Bitcoin. Scam Exposed!

Greta Thunberg Bitcoin
Greta Thunberg Bitcoin. Is Her Name Being Exploited By Scammers? The Answer Won’t Shock You!
Greta Thunberg Bitcoin: Global activist Greta Thunberg has been making big waves as she bravely confronts the lack of progress towards climate goals by her own Swedish government and governments around the world. Unfortunately, Bitcoin scammers have been using these waves to push unknowing victims towards their investment scams. Their tactics are nothing new, with similar fake celebrity endorsements appearing across social media, but this one might represent a new low.
Money for Nothing
The call from these scammers is clear and concise, you can make millions of dollars, or kronor is Greta’s case, doing absolutely nothing. How? Automatic trading. Professional traders make their money by researching and evaluating markets in order to make the right trades. This takes years of education, years of effort, and more than a little luck. Most people have none of these, so handing the reigns over to a robot sounds like a good opportunity.

Much like the claims of endorsement from prominent public figures like Greta Thunberg, the claims that their automated trading can make regular people money just aren’t true. Even more untrue is the claim that Bitcoin make-money schemes are even selling people Bitcoin. Instead, they’re selling them contracts for differences, an asset that is based on Bitcoin’s value but doesn’t offer any of the control, anonymity, or decentralization of the real thing.
Greta Thunberg Bitcoin: Why This Celebrity and Why Now?
There’s no question that Greta Thunberg is a big name that many will recognize. Thanks to her fearless climate advocacy on social media, many of the same people who see the fake ads there are likely to trust her and see the fake endorsement as a real opportunity. But why are we just seeing her name used now? Arguably, her notoriety peaked during her address to the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit and her carbon-neutral transatlantic crossing.
The reason that the marketers enlisted by online scammers are using her name now is that people are starting to talk about Greta Thunberg and Bitcoin in the same sentence. Journalists from a number of online and print publications have been writing articles about the activist’s potential view on Bitcoin. While these articles are speculative, and some could be said to make quite a stretch between the activist’s unrelated statements and her views on Bitcoin, they certainly aren’t fake in the same sense as the Bitcoin scam articles.
Anyone reading up on Greta Thunberg and Bitcoin is likely to find one of two trains of thought. The first is that she would hypothetically be against Bitcoin because the computers that mine and record Bitcoin use so much electricity. The second is that the decentralization of Bitcoin removes power from the global institutions responsible for wealth inequality, which Greta would surely approve of. Unfortunately, some people find the third option, the phony article that says Greta Thunberg is making millions with a Bitcoin wealth loophole.
Greta Thunberg Bitcoin: Fraudulent Journalism Baits the Trap
The article is, of course, completely false. They claim to give the details of an interview between Greta Thunberg and Swedish television host Carina Bergfeldt. In the made-up interview, Greta discloses her big secret; she’s made millions on a Bitcoin website, all thanks to automated trading. The fake story uses further tricks, claiming a big bank tried to shut down the interview, the loophole is quickly closing, that Greta showed on air how quickly her balance was increasing. All of it is 100 percent false and simply never happened.
The article links to the Bitcoin scam website numerous times, letting readers find their way to the scam as easily as possible. Once there, they receive a basic rundown on how the alleged miracle investment works. Traders put money into their account, and algorithms then take over, making the right trades nearly all the time.
With perfect analysis and unmatched decision-making speed, the automated system must surely succeed. Instead, traders quickly find that the system is making absolute nonsense trades that quickly drain their accounts. With every trade, the scammers get a cut, much like how a regular broker operates. The only difference is that a legitimate operation doesn’t have a robot trade all of your money away within minutes.